Jackson Motion Sensors Offer An Extra Level of Protection
You can think of motion sensors as an essential aspect of your home’s defense. The method in which motion detectors in Jackson work is uncomplicated -- they detect human motion and notify your alarm. But did you know that these devices do more than improve your home’s defense? They can also help achieve a higher degree of energy savings and convenience to your life.

Motion Sensors Are An Essential Facet Of A Comprehensive Home Security System
An ADT motion sensor will cover a lot of square footage. As it happens, a lone unit will discern activity in a space as substantial as 35 by 40 feet. Based on the dimensions of your property and your distinct tastes, you might only require one or two sensors. These versatile tools incorporate with other components and are able to be set up to do the following:
- Notify your monitoring specialists in the event of a break-in
- Send instant notifications to your smartphone via the ADT Control app
- Prompt a linked surveillance camera to begin capturing footage
- Turn on lighting whenever movement is observed
No matter if you want to turn on smart lights, deliver warnings, or inform your monitoring experts, your motion sensors are able to be configured however you wish to have. When activity is detected, a message is conveyed to ADT Command, your in-home command center. This powerful interface will then take the specific task you have programmed.

Boost Your Convenience And Lower Utility Expenses With Jackson Motion Sensors
Even though they are sensibly known as security measures, Jackson motion sensors give you additional benefits. Think about waking up in the middle of the night to go peek in on your little ones and having the lights in your hallway immediately activate. Also, you could save energy by having lights automatically turn off when activity is no longer identified within a space. Along with walkways and common spaces like living rooms, you could also put sensors in spots where you stow important items, like a storage area or basement.
Pet Immunity Helps Prevent False Alarms
Your ADT motion sensors in Jackson aid you in preventing false alarms by using pet immunity. This advantageous tool allows you to adjust levels of sensitivity so your animals less than 60 pounds won’t set off the alarm. Just let your skilled ADT technician know precisely how you would like your motion sensor configured. When you work with ADT, you’ll never have to worry about your alarm going off whenever your dog trots by.
More Specs of ADT Motion Sensors in Jackson
If you’re looking for more details, consider the following:
- Transmission distance up to 300 feet
- Battery life expectancy of five years. You may get alerts when batteries are running low
- Messaging with ADT Command are secured with 128-bit AES encryption
- Operates on common 2.4 GHz frequency for ease of compatibility
ADT packages include one motion detector but you may customize your configuration however you want. There are also wired and wireless equipment contingent on the kind of installation you require.
Request Motion Sensors With Your Jackson Home Security Package
Enjoy the complete defense your family needs with an ADT home security system in Jackson from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Smart tools like motion sensors will keep your house shielded from danger whether you’re at home or not. If you would like to start the design of your system, dial (601) 292-9204 or fill out the form on this page.